The people who lead and perform the functions of any organization should know the basic tenants framing their decision making. Outlined below are the fundamental principles driving the development of COR.

The COR Principles

COR (Culture and Organizational Resolve) highlights the significance of paying attention to an organization’s character and the ongoing effort required to sustain an ethos that represents the values of its leadership over extended periods of time.

COR starts with the recognition that the essence of every organization is a unique collection of people - each with their own skills, backgrounds, experiences, goals, aspirations, desires, fears, insecurities, and views on the world. 

COR is based on the doctrine that we are all “standing on the shoulders of giants”. While leaders in any organization face situations unique to the specific criteria of the moment (people, time, risks, resources, objectives, etc.) we all benefit from the lessons of history and learning from other’s experiences.

COR helps leaders of any type of organization, from nascent startup to large global enterprise, develop an awareness, curiosity and approach for navigating situations that challenge their personal principles. These circumstances occur more regularly than most are aware. 

COR is designed to help leaders get from wherever they are to where they need to be. It’s non-prescriptive, yet structured. Leaders can benefit from using COR regardless of their vantage point in the organization and scope or functional responsibility

COR is an integral and continuous aspect of managing an organization. It is not a phase or series of tasks to be executed. As the organization evolves and adapts, so too must the culture

COR considers the gestalt of the organization as well as the functional components of its operations – governance, people/HR, product & service development and delivery, and alignment with external entities.

COR fosters a comprehensive appreciation for all organizational stakeholders including employees, investors, customers, partners, and suppliers.

COR value increases as leadership awareness matures and becomes grounded within the DNA of the culture. Their principles manifest and propagate throughout the organization creating a self-reinforcing cycle accelerating further adoption.

COR is a practical, approachable and easily searchable dynamic repository of cases and tools to be applied across the spectrum of operational functions and challenges that may be encountered. 

COR gives the people leading organizations the ability to demonstrate their commitment to and execution of purpose.